Our history

The adventure began in 2019 when 4 entrepreneurs joined forces to create KOB. At the heart of their concerns were the growing scarcity of resources and the environmental and economic stakes surrounding glass recycling. They conceived and developed a new circular economy model, which materialized in the first SandBag® industrial production unit in Toulouse.

The little-known impact of glass on the environment is, in order of magnitude, two to three times greater than most packaging plastics. Behind the SandBag® innovation lies the conviction of the 4 entrepreneurs that glass waste, overabundant throughout the world, is certainly recyclable but poorly recovered.

With that in mind, the KOB team set out to tackle the problem of "single-use" glass by creating an industrial company that recycles waste glass into innovative water filtration solutions. 

Our development over the years

Notre histoire KOB

All developments carried out by KOB and its licensed partners aim to achieve ambitious environmental impacts, aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and in particular 4 of them

logo kind of blue

Why K.O.B. ?

KOB stands for Kind Of Blue, referring to the Miles Davis album that revolutionized jazz composition standards in 1959. Our ambition is to challenge technical standards in order to preserve the "blue" of our planet! And let's not forget that Kind Of Blue was the most listened-to/sold jazz album of all time!


The founders

Jacques TEBOUL

Jacques TEBOUL

Founding partner

Financing - Administration

20 years working for major accounts to refinance their assets. Jacques created KOB in 2019 to characterize the impact of glass waste in our society and develop an impactful Circular Economy project.



Founding partner

Project Development - Technical Department

Trained as an engineer, entrepreneur, Frédéric has been supporting and developing innovative industrial projects in France and the Middle East for over 15 years. He initiated the development of the SANDBAG® solution when he discovered the environmental issues surrounding glass recycling.



Founding partner

Strategic Committee Department - Investor & Institutional Relations

Trained as an engineer and financier, Michel has worked as a corporate secretary for a number of major companies and is (among other things!) an associate of the WISEED crowdfunding platform. He has been supporting and investing in the development e of social and environmental projects for over 20 years.



Founding partner

Business development

Marketing manager for a major group in the 90s, David set up his own events agency in 2007, which now has a worldwide presence. A network facilitator at heart, he adds considerable value to KOB's sales teams.

Our resources : production and operation

Production et opérations - version FR

Our resource : Strategy and Transversal

Stratégie et transverse - version FR (1)
Caisse d'épargne